Thursday, 29 December 2011

New Year Approaching

The new year is almost upon us, and I for one, feel optimistic.

2011 has been a hard year for the Kent family. Lots of work and not many pennies. All the government's cuts have eventually pushed us into a place where we have less coming in than going out.

I think that this is probably a positive thing. For me if no one else. Time recently spent never quite focusing on making a living has now morphed into focus. As Thomas Edison said "Discontent is the first necessity of progress". Well I am discontented, so here's to progress.

During a boom time it seems that lucky people make a success of things. In England people who bought their own homes at the right time, have sat back laughing. Londoners who bought their homes before the ridiculous house price inflation were able to buy up our country homes, no mortgage, money to spare. But now? In a recession (whilst some people will always be lucky) it really becomes more about you and your talents. To see the situation and find a way through it.

And if I can start my business and make money in a recession? Well then that does bode well for the future. A recession is a perfect time to start a business. After all if I need to borrow money (hoping not to) then I will only be able to achieve that with excellent prospects and a thorough business plan. It's no revelation that money has been leant too profligately. If a bank lends me money, I want it to be a safe bet.

Also it is a the start of a business where the focus is on getting it just right. You need to hone your skills. When better to learn than during a recession?

And when you've got it just right? Then grow,grow with the economy. Because as night follows day and day follows night, so too will there be a boom. And when that comes I want to be ready with a healthy business.

So here's hoping that 2012 brings knowledge and success to all those willing to work for it. Bring on the recession and sort the wheat from the chaff. Lets just hope that the storm passes quickly.

Good luck to all my readers in 2012!

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